Imitation Jewelry

Jewelry is always considered an integral part of the Indian lifestyle. There are endless varieties of jewellery made from a wide range of metals and other sources that continue to fascinate buyers, especially women. Since certain jewellery is relatively expensive compared to others, ImitationJewelryhas gained a lot of popularity over the decades. Indian Jewelry has carved a special niche for itself all the world, for its wide range of designs and craftsmanship. The attraction and appeal of jewellery is very high in India, compared to other art works and artifacts.The attraction of diamonds and the love of gold is universal across all strata of the society in Indian homes. Jewelry made of Gold and precious metals is often expensive and hence people always find cost-effective alternatives that are no less attractive
Chilakalapudi Bangaram
The State of Andhra Pradesh boasts of an exclusive tradition, wherein a village is entirely dedicated to the manufacture of imitation jewellery, which is simply stunning. The village of Chilakalapudi near Machilipatnam in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh is renowned all over for some of the best quality imitation jewellery manufactured here. The Imitation jewellery made here by most of the families in this village is also called as ‘Chilakalapudi Bangaram’
Wide Variety of Jewelry
Right from Bangles, earrings, necklaces, trinkets and nose rings to ankle jewellery, the place is synonymous with attractive jewellery that mimics designs made with pure gold. Chilakalapudi has become the most sought after market for imitation jewellery which attracts customers not only from AP, but also rest of India. Customers can find really stunning pieces of jewellery of various shapes, sizes and designs that look like original gold jewellery, with similar finish and shine.
Livelihood for Artisans
The Machilipatnam jewellery has brought livelihood opportunities to the rural belt of Krishna District in AP, and it has also filled a crucial need-gap, by aiding the budget of middle class buyer, providing them with rolled-gold jewellery. The metal used is silver or copper on to which either rolled-gold or gold is electroplated, followed by addition of embellishments which is done painstakingly by hand. Here the community involved in imitation jewellery also create multiple pieces, which are embellished with different colored stones for matching various outfits in their wardrobe, which is usually prohibitively expensive inpure gold. There are more than 200 units engaged in the industry which provides employment to nearly 30,000 artisans and their families. Chilakalapudi Bangaram is also used by artists trained in Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi or Kathak, since Jewelry forms a crucial element ofpresenting the dance form.The Indian Imitation jewellery is not only worn by people of India but also sourced by customers all over the world, which has resulted in more demand. India is rated as one of the largest exporters of imitation jewellery from a long time.